Rafael Nir (Argentina)
CintiaPresenteAusente / Cintia Absent Present
[spanish / english]
A Cintia la conocí comprando en el supermercado chino. Yo trabajo en Guevara al 200 y ella al 300. Pasé varias veces y siempre llamó mi atención. Creo que pudimos decirnos todo lo que sentíamos. Es algo que no nos había sucedido a ningunx. / I met Cintia when I was shopping in her store. I work in Guevara at 200 and she at 300. I passed by several times and she always caught my attention. I think that we were able to tell each other everything we felt. That is something that had never happened to any of us before.
Con Cintia tenemos un secreto. / With Cintia we have a secret.
A partir del desconocimiento absoluto nos sumergimos en nuestras profundidades: nos confiamos historias, emociones, risas, abrazos y gestos de amor. / From absolute ignorance we plunged into each other's depths: we confided stories, emotions, laughter, hugs and gestures of love.
Esa noche llegué y me topé con su Reino. El Rey estaba sentado en un banquito de melanina blanco tomando cerveza de un vaso de telgopor y el príncipe comía un sándwich de salame y queso mientras contaba los fierros que había arreglado durante su día. Dos plebeyos acompañaban y atestiguaban la situación. / That night I arrived and stumbled upon his Kingdom. The King was sitting on a white melanin stool drinking beer from a styrofoam cup and the prince was eating a salami and cheese sandwich while he recounted the fiery things he had fixed during his day. Two commoners accompanied and witnessed the situation.
Fui su detective en este episodio, su ausencia me convirtió en su representante y fui espectador de este grupo de adultos opinando acerca de una chica de 18 años que mucho no comparte sus dichos. / I was her detective in this episode, her absence made me her representative and I was a spectator of this group of adults giving their opinion about an 18 year old girl who does not share their views.