Melissa Saavedra Gil (Colombia)
[spanish / english]
Conocí a Diego la noche en que esperaba encontrarme con otra persona que había conocido ese mismo día. A esa persona le tomó más tiempo llegar a su casa y yo seguía esperándola, sentada en un butaco, en una esquina, afuera de una caseta de vigilancia barrial. La noche pasaba y Diego se me acercó y me preguntó si yo era amiga de ''El Gordo", yo sólo le pregunté que quién era ''El Gordo'' y él me respondió que era el vigilante de esa caseta. / I met Diego the night I was waiting to meet another person I had met earlier that day. That person took longer to get home and I was still waiting for him, sitting in an armchair on a corner outside a neighbourhood watch booth. The night went by and Diego approached me and asked me if I was a friend of ''El Gordo'', I just asked him who ''El Gordo'' was and he answered me that he was the watchman that guarded at that booth.
Luego, caminé con Diego hasta la casa abandonada en donde pone su silla y se sienta a observar y cuidar la cuadra de la calle 26. Yo me senté al lado de él y sólo di REC. / Then, I walked with Diego to the abandoned house where he sets up his chair and sits to watch and guard the block of 26th street. I sat down next to him and just started recording.
En la negociación se revela la vulnerabilidad. / In negotiation, vulnerability is revealed.