Lara Carmo (Brasil)
What else is love?
[spanish / english]
El fracaso es algo roto, una puerta que se abre para empezar desde cero. ¿Es realmente importante separar lo importante de lo que no lo es?
En qué se convierte el amor cuando termina.
/ Failure is something broken, a door that opens to start from scratch. Is it really important to separate what is important from what is not?
What does love become when it ends.
Estaba sola en casa frente a la pantalla del computador. Puse la música que escuchaban mis padres durante mi infancia. Puse una almohada sobre mi vientre para simular una barriga de embarazada. Bailé con este vientre lentamente, girando. Pensé en la imagen que estaba transmitiendo al grupo que me observaba. Fue hermoso. Para mí tenía mucho sentido escuchar que los comentarios sobre mi performance eran sobre estar embarazada de mí misma. / I was alone at home in front of the computer screen. I played the music my parents listened to during my childhood. I put a pillow on my belly to simulate a pregnant belly. I danced with this belly slowly, twirling. I thought about the image I was conveying to the group watching me. It was beautiful. It made a lot of sense to me to hear that the comments about my performance were about being pregnant with myself.